Selected Solo Exhibitions
2003: ALMA Art Gallery, Watertown, MA
2000: Galerie Gora, Montreal, Canada
1999: Jadite Galleries, New York, NY
1998: Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, Washington, D.C.
1998: Alla Rogers Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1997: Perry House Galleries, Alexandria, VA
1995: Moscoso Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2000: Art Image Gallery, Gaithersburg, MD
1999: Lincoln Center, Fort Collins, CO
1999: Ovissi Gallery, Emeryville, CA
1998: Very Special Arts Gallery, Washington, D.C., In the Neighborhood
1998: Arlington Art Center, Arlington, VA
1996: Arvest '96, Beverly Hills, CA
1996: The World Bank, Washington, D.C., Lobby Art
1995: Gallery West, Gilpin Gallery, et al., Alexandria, VA, Art of the Politically Incorrect
1995: Perry House Galleries, Alexandria, VA, Art of the Heart
1994: Alla Rogers Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1994: Aaron Gallery, Washington, D.C.
1994: Moscoso Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Werner, Liipfert, Bernhard, McPerson & Hand Charted, Washington, D.C.
ANINAR Ventures Group, New York, NY
Embassy of the Republic of Armenia, Washington, D.C.
Life Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD
Hovsons, Inc., Tinton Falls, NJ